HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing & Advertising Agency

Management consultancy
Marketing &
Advertising agency

Salzburg, Austria

2422 CSR Sustainability and Marketing Management Consultancy Marketing Agency Advertising Agency Salzburg HERZBLUAT

CSR and marketing. Or is it now sustainability and marketing?

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability have become key issues in the business world. More and more companies are recognising the importance of communicating their sustainable practices and successes. But what does this mean for marketing? Is CSR communication synonymous with sustainability marketing? Why it is so important for companies to report on their sustainability strategies and successes, how professional sustainability communication affects different stakeholder groups along the value chain and what the EU Green Claims Directive is all about. And how HERZBLUAT can support you in the sustainable design and implementation of your marketing and employer branding in accordance with the EU Green Claims Directive.

2420 Sustainability reporting Management consultancy Marketing agency Advertising agency Salzburg HERZBLUAT

Sustainability reporting: Non-financial reporting by companies

The requirements for corporate sustainability reporting have changed significantly in recent years. With the introduction of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), companies must increasingly report on their environmental, social and governance performance. Who is obliged to report under the CSRD, how small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can report voluntarily in accordance with the "Voluntary Standards for Non-Listed Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" (ESRS VSME) and what advantages this has for various stakeholders.

2418 Sustainability transformation family business management consultancy marketing agency advertising agency Salzburg HERZBLUAT

Sustainability transformation as an opportunity

Family businesses face particular challenges and opportunities in the area of tension between tradition and innovation. The sustainability transformation offers a special opportunity to act as a driver of innovation and to strategically shape organisational development. In this article, we analyse how family businesses can successfully implement this transformation, how they can implement climate-friendly measures in line with social sustainability and how they should structure their CSR and sustainability communication. We also show how HERZBLUAT can support you in these processes.

2416 Customer Journey Management Consultancy Marketing Agency Advertising Agency Salzburg HERZBLUAT

Customer journey - what is it?

Understanding the customer journey is crucial to the success of an organisation. Whether you are a food manufacturer, a metal processing company, a transport company, a public transport operator, a sports association, a tourism company or an educational institution - the customer journey offers valuable insights into the behaviour and needs of your customers. What is the customer journey, why should every organisation define its own, what benefits does it bring and what risks does it pose if it is not defined? Why should updating the customer journey be an ongoing process and how can HERZBLUAT help you to make your customer journey sustainable?

2414 Personas Management Consultancy Marketing Agency Advertising Agency Salzburg HERZBLUAT

Have you already created personas for your company's customers?

It is essential to know exactly what your customers need and want. One effective method for this is the creation of personas. Have you ever heard of empathy maps or the limbic map? Do you know what a value proposition is and how you can apply it on both the customer and retailer side? Are you familiar with the value proposition canvas? Why these concepts are so important and how HERZBLUAT can help you to make your business model sustainable.

2412 Stakeholder Analysis Management Consultancy Marketing Agency Advertising Agency Salzburg HERZBLUAT

A stakeholder analysis is the be-all and end-all

The ability to effectively manage relationships with different interest groups is of crucial importance. Stakeholder analysis plays a central role in this. It identifies the relevant players, their needs and expectations and enables companies to make strategic decisions. In this article, you will learn why a thorough stakeholder analysis is essential and how HERZBLUAT can help you identify the right stakeholders and discover their real wants and needs.

How elections shape our cityscape: An analysis of Salzburg election posters

On 10 March 2024, local councillors will be elected in Salzburg. Public interest in political elections is on the rise again, and election campaigns and election posters in particular continue to play a central role in political communication. These visual messages are more than mere advertising banners, they reflect social moods, priorities and the dynamics of the political landscape. For Salzburg24, we analysed the election posters and delved deep into the world of election posters for the Salzburg state elections to take a look behind the scenes of visual political advertising.

Certified CSR Expert Management Consultancy Marketing Agency Advertising Agency Salzburg HERZBLUAT

Certified CSR Expert - HERZBLUAT leads your company into a sustainable future

Sustainability and social responsibility are increasingly taking centre stage in corporate activities. HERZBLUAT, your management consultancy and marketing agency from Salzburg, is setting new standards. With our comprehensive know-how under the leadership of Gregor Wimmer, certified expert for sustainability management and management consultancy, we offer you an unrivalled insight into the advantages and implementation of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) for your company.

2406 Sustainable teaching Management consultancy Marketing agency Advertising agency Salzburg HERZBLUAT

Sustainable apprenticeships - 100 %-funded sustainability courses for apprentices

Companies are increasingly focussing on sustainable action. How can the next generation of skilled workers not only be made fit for the labour market, but also fit for an environmentally conscious future? "Sustainable Apprenticeships" (www.nachhaltige-lehre.at) provides an innovative answer to this question by offering fully subsidised micro-courses for apprentices that raise awareness of professional and ecological responsibility and strengthen know-how.

Sustainable Tourism Destination Management Sustainable Tourism

Sustainable tourism in the Alps: A comprehensive guide | HERZBLUAT

In the heart of the majestic Alps, a trend towards sustainable tourism is emerging that is reshaping the landscape of hospitality. The book "Sustainable Tourism in the Alps" by Gregor Wimmer is a fundamental guide for hotels and destinations committed to promoting environmental awareness and cultural preservation. This book launch highlights the quintessence of the book and outlines actionable strategies for businesses to be successful while protecting Alpine heritage.

© HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing & Advertising Agency, Salzburg, Austria
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