HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing & Advertising Agency

Management consultancy
Marketing &
Advertising agency

Salzburg, Austria

Tag Archive for: Data protection

KI ML in advertising HERZBLUAT

Artificial intelligence and machine learning in advertising: opportunities and risks for SMEs | HERZBLUAT

In today's digital age, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in advertising has become a crucial success factor for companies. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular can benefit from the opportunities offered by these technologies. However, as with any innovation, there are also challenges and risks to consider. We examine the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and risks of AI and ML for SMEs and highlight concrete application possibilities.

The Future of Retail - Omnichannel Strategies for FMCG Companies

The retail sector is currently undergoing a rapid transformation. In order to survive in competition, FMCG companies are relying on innovative omnichannel strategies. We highlight the importance of omnichannel approaches for the success of companies in the consumer goods industry and discuss the opportunities and challenges of this change.

The role of artificial intelligence in the consumer goods industry

A look at the growing importance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the consumer goods industry and how this technology supports companies in innovative product development, marketing and advertising. Opportunities and threats on how you can use AI effectively in your business.

© HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing & Advertising Agency, Salzburg, Austria
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