HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing & Advertising Agency

Management consultancy
Marketing &
Advertising agency

Salzburg, Austria

HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing & Advertising Agency

Management consultancy
Marketing &
Advertising agency

Salzburg, Austria


Customer / Client:
Marcel Hirscher


Project management
Business cooperations
Sport Management
Creative Direction
Logo design
Helmet design
Merchandising design
Art Direction
Homepage creation
Social Media Marketing


You have found HERZBLUAT - we are the management consultancy, marketing and advertising agency in Salzburg, Austria!

Our Google optimisations seem to be working 😉

Now comes the big disappointment:
We have not worked for Marcel Hirscher since 2011.

This means that we cannot fulfil autograph requests, organise interviews, send out birthday wishes or pass on contact details for ethical and data protection reasons.
And there are no exceptions.

Since 2017, we no longer work for ÖSV or FIS ski racers at all. The values of these two organisations do not correspond to ours.

We have other very valued clients for whom and highly exciting and truly fulfilling areas in which we operate.

The best way to get an overview is to visit our Blog - it's this way.

And don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter! 🙂

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Mr  Ms  Divers 
2422 CSR Sustainability and Marketing Management Consultancy Marketing Agency Advertising Agency Salzburg HERZBLUAT

CSR and marketing. Or is it now sustainability and marketing?

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainability have become key issues in the business world. More and more companies are recognising the importance of ...
2420 Sustainability reporting Management consultancy Marketing agency Advertising agency Salzburg HERZBLUAT

Sustainability reporting: Non-financial reporting by companies

The requirements for corporate sustainability reporting have changed significantly in recent years. With the introduction of the Corporate ...
2418 Sustainability transformation family business management consultancy marketing agency advertising agency Salzburg HERZBLUAT

Sustainability transformation as an opportunity

Family businesses face particular challenges and opportunities in the area of conflict between tradition and innovation. The sustainability transformation offers a special opportunity to ...
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Customer journey - what is it?

Understanding the customer journey is crucial to a company's success. Whether you're a food manufacturer, a metalworking company, a food processing ...
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Have you already created personas for your company's customers?

It is essential to know exactly what your customers need and want. An effective method for this is the creation of ...
2412 Stakeholder Analysis Management Consultancy Marketing Agency Advertising Agency Salzburg HERZBLUAT

A stakeholder analysis is the be-all and end-all

The ability to effectively manage relationships with different stakeholders is crucial. Stakeholder analysis plays a central role in this ...
How elections shape our cityscape: An analysis of Salzburg election posters

How elections shape our cityscape: An analysis of Salzburg election posters

Municipal councillors will be elected in Salzburg on 10 March 2024. Public interest in political elections is increasing again, election campaigns ...
Certified CSR Expert Management Consultancy Marketing Agency Advertising Agency Salzburg HERZBLUAT

Certified CSR Expert - HERZBLUAT leads your company into a sustainable future

Sustainability and social responsibility are increasingly taking centre stage in corporate activities. HERZBLUAT, your management consultancy and marketing agency from Salzburg, ...

LUST - Even more marketing and advertising with HERZBLUAT from the city of Salzburg:

© HERZBLUAT Management Consultancy, Marketing & Advertising Agency, Salzburg, Austria
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